New Reading Rangers Literacy Program Launches

by | Nov 16, 2015

This fall, thanks to our expanding partnership with the New York Junior League, a brand new literacy program for 20 children in the 3rd – 5th grade is launching at SCAN’s East River Cornerstone Community Center in East Harlem.

The aim of Reading Rangers is to encourage and educate young children by providing reading lessons and literacy education. Structured as one-on-one reading by a student with a volunteer, which is then followed by a discussion activity, Reading Rangers uses a positive, consistent approach, providing a fun learning environment to encourage a love of reading.

The weekly program also includes group activities that seek to improve spelling skills and overall literacy, and will regularly work with parents during a once-a-month evening workshop. Reading Rangers‘ core goal is to increase the student’s reading levels through programming that offer a variety of books, games and hands-on projects to improve the children’s literacy skills.

We are so grateful to our friends at the Junior League for their willingness to collaborate with SCAN on this new pilot program, and we hope to be able to expand it to additional centers in the years to come!

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